What is Refection and Renewal (R & R)?
Effectively serving students, colleagues and the community requires renewal of mind, heart & spirit. For over 15 years, Río Hondo has offered “R & R” events that invite any and all staff to spend relaxed, yet focused time using tools such as journal writing, the arts, and individual and small group reflection to encourage introspection, collegiality, and a renewed sense of purpose to bring back to our work at the college. For a further explanation of this work review What is Formation.
Participant Comments
Interested in what others have said about their experience? Read previous Participant reflections.
Apply for R & R Retreat
Application process is currently closed, but watch for the upcoming year soon.
Facilitation Team
The R & R facilitation team is made up of the following faculty members who have been prepared by the Center for Wholeness and Renewal in Higher Education:
- Kelly Lynch, Professor of Child Development
- Sheila Lynch, Professor of Art History
- Katie O’Brien, EOPS Counselor/Professor/Staff Development/FLEX Coordinator