Welcome to the Veterans Service Center

The Veterans Service Center at Río Hondo College serves as a vital liaison between veterans or their dependents and the Department of Veterans Affairs. We’re here to promote academic and career success for all students who are veterans or dependents of a veteran.

Turn to us for help navigating the process of claiming education benefits. We can offer you guidance and support in completing all the necessary forms. Río Hondo College diligently forwards all documents related to the application and usage of your benefits to the VA processing center in Muskogee, Oklahoma. This ensures a smooth and efficient process for our veteran community.

Get Started

Follow these steps to ensure you receive benefits.

Among other things, you must submit a “yellow card” after registering for classes. If you don’t turn in a “yellow card,” your classes won’t be certified, and you won’t receive benefits. 

VA Welcome Guide

The VA Welcome Guide provides information about your benefits, eligibility, disability rating, emergency resources, and more. Take a look for a better idea of what’s available to you.

Additional details and updates can be found in Title 38 U.S.C. §3679.

Featured On-Campus Programs & Resources

  • Take a Book, Give a Book: Consider donating your used books to another veteran after your class has ended. Books can be donated or picked up at the VSC.
  • Chromebook & Calculator Loans: The VSC has a limited number of Chromebooks and scientific calculators available for veteran students to borrow.  If you are interested in borrowing one, please email us at [email protected].
  • Free School Supplies: As a veteran or veteran dependent, you can receive free school supplies at the VSC. Available supplies include pencils, pens, notebooks, scantron sheets, and more.
  • Roadrunner Connect: This provides tools for faculty to share positive feedback with students in their classes or notify them of any concerns with their academic progress. 
  • Free Dental Care: The Lestonnac Free Clinic now offers free dental care to all veterans.

Contact Us

Veterans Services Center

Student Services Building, Room SS150

3600 Workman Mill Road
Whittier, CA 90601

(562) 463-3117

[email protected]


Spring Office Hours
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday
8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.

8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.