Hope Scholars at Rio logoWelcome HOPE Scholars!

We are still open and operating! We are here to support you in every capacity. I know times are difficult, but we are still here for your academic, personal, and holistic support. We are still offering academic counseling, workshops, laptops for rent, housing referrals, food referrals, support service referrals, and any other support you may need. Please reach out if you have any questions, need to schedule an appointment, or just need someone to talk to. Staff and contact information is listed below.

Program benefits

  • Priority Registration
  • Book Vouchers
  • Housing and Food Referrals
  • Community Based Referrals
  • Go RÍo Pass Coverage
  • Graduation Stoles
  • One On One Support
  • Individual Counseling Support
  • Weekly Program and Campus Updates

Meet your staff

Counselor HOPE Scholars – Kaitlyn Ramalho

Schedule appointments for academics, course selection, petitions, educational plans, resource referrals, or any other support/questions.

Jovenes Peer Navigator for Housing- Brianna Rodriguez

Interim Project Manager, Basic Needs- Dr. Jessica Perea

Director of Student Life and Leadership- Shaina Phillips

Directs and Oversees HOPE Scholars

Scholar’s Hub Hours

  • Monday through Thursday 8:00am to 4:30pm
  • Friday Virtual Only

Chromebooks On loan

Considering that some students do not have home access to computers, the District has made Chromebooks available for students to check out from the Library’s Circulation Desk. The Chromebook will be available on a loan basis for the remaining of the semester. If you have any questions, please contact our Library’s Circulation Desk at (562) 908-3416.

Río Hondo College students have access to Office 365 for FREE from the Cloud. Get started with Office 365 for free.

Financial aid

During this challenging time, the RÍo Hondo College Financial Aid Office is available to you. You also have a dedicated Success Coach to support you with your FAFSA applications. You can schedule an appointment with Brianna Rodriguez here. Students can also reach out directly to Financial Aid by calling (562) 463-3370 or emailing [email protected] with any general questions or concerns. Please remember to provide your name and student ID number.

Student Health and Psychological Services

We are offering mental health counseling, group counseling and referrals to enrolled students. To make an appointment for mental health counseling, currently enrolled students can call (562) 463-7302 or visit the Psychological Services website. Since we are not on call, please do not leave messages of urgent/critical concerns.

If someone is reporting suicidal thoughts/intentions or experiencing a mental health emergency, please use the following resources:

  • 24 hour National Suicide Prevention Hotline: (800) 273-TALK
  • Exodus Urgent Care Center: (323) 276-6400
  • Crisis Text Line: Text “Courage” to 741-741
  • Dial 911 for emergencies.

For a list of additional resources, please visit the RÍoSource online directory.

For a list of community resources, including our very own campus RÍoSource Food Pantry, and a variety of social and public services, please visit our RÍoSource online directory.

If you have any questions about Student Services, please contact Student Affairs at (562) 908-3498.

We will continue to provide updates as they become available. Please routinely check your email, Canvas, and our website, as the facts related to COVID-19 are changing rapidly.

Thank you for your patience and understanding during these unprecedented times.