There are three components that work together to prepare students for transfer to four-year colleges and universities:

English Instruction

Puente students take two consecutive writing classes, English 101 (College Composition and Research) in the Fall and English 201 (Critical Thinking) in the Spring, which can be taken as an honors class too. These classes provide a supportive and stimulating environment for Puente students with an emphasis on developing writing skills through an exploration of the Mexican American/Latino experience.


Puente students work closely with their Puente counselor to explore career options, develop an academic educational plan and identify their goals through the Puente Counseling courses, Counseling 101 (College Success Skills) and Counseling 103 (Intro to Leadership), as well as individual counseling sessions. The Puente counselor guides students with their educational goals.


Puente students are matched with an academically and professionally successful mentor from the community. The Puente Mentoring component is an important aspect of the community college program.  This component provides structured mentoring activities in which students examine and discuss the concepts of mentoring and community.