Eligibility Requirements for MESA/TRIO STEM Programs

All students who are interested in participating in the MESA Community College Program (CCCP) and/or the TRIO Student Support Services STEM program must meet the following academic, economically disadvantaged and educationally disadvantaged criteria.

Please note: The best way to determine program eligibility is to speak with program staff. Come in and make an appointment with Dr. Spieler or Erik Belmal in the MESA Center, S205. While MESA does not deny admission to those students who meet the above criteria, emphasis is placed on inclusion of students who are from groups who are underrepresented in STEM fields.

Academic Criteria:

  • Intent to transfer to a four year institution with AA/AS degree completion.
  • Major in a math-based field – some majors that are considered “STEM majors” are Engineering, Computer Science or Computer Engineering, Mathematics/Physics, Pre-Medical, Pharmacy, Optometry etc., Life Sciences – Botany, Biology, Zoology, etc. (includes Agriculture transfers) Earth Sciences, Chemistry, Environmental Sciences.
  • Education plan indicates the intent to enroll in a minimum of two sequential courses of calculus and physics and/or chemistry.
  • Ready for and enrolled in at least intermediate algebra.
  • Enrolled in a minimum of 8 units at RHC.
  • Students who already have earned a bachelor’s degree are NOT eligible for either program.

Economically and Educationally Disadvantaged Criteria:

In addition to the student meeting the academic criteria, a potential MESA/TRIO SSS STEM student must meet financial and educational criteria. Your eligibility will be determined from the responses on your application.