Making an Appointment

Scan or Click to Request a Consultation

Individual counseling services are designed for students who can benefit from short-term counseling. If the situation requires longer-term counseling or possible medication management, the student will likely be referred to an off-campus resource. Simply scan or click the QR code to the left to request an individual consultation.

Steps to complete before your appointment:

  1. Got to
  2. Sign-in to your portal with your AccessRío Credentials
  3. Once in your portal, click on Appointments (on the left side panel)
  4. Click Complete Questionnaire
  5. Once you complete the Questionnaire, click on Surveys and complete the surveys, PHQ-9 and GAD 7.

Those are all the steps. Then you are ready for your appointment.
If your appointment is virtual, you will need to sign-in to your portal and go to the Appointments tab to join the virtual session.

Missed and Canceled Appointments

There are times when appointments may need to be canceled or missed. Please make a courteous effort to call the office with at least 24 hours notice to cancel a scheduled appointment. If it is not possible to cancel with 24 hours notice, due to an unforeseen circumstance, please call anyway to inform your therapist that you will not be able to come to your appointment. After two missed appointments or 2 late cancelations your appointment will be taken off the schedule and you may have to go back to the bottom of the waiting list to get another appointment. We have a very small staff and many students to serve, therefore we ask that you respectfully follow these guidelines.

Appointment Tardiness

If you are going to be late to your appointment, please call our office as soon as you know your arrive time to inform your therapist. All students are granted a 15 minute appointment grace period, but the tardiness will deduct from your session time. Sessions will not be extended for tardiness. After 15 minutes, your appointment is not guaranteed and will be considered missed. If a student is waiting for an appointment cancellation, your appointment time may be forfeited.

Appointment Types