Student Health Center Staff

  • Alicia Kruizenga, Dean of Student Affairs
  • Alura Williams, MSN RN PHN, Director of Student Health & Psychological Services
  • Nubia Cardenas, Administrative Assistant III
  • Glenn Heap, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, LMFT #33311
  • Inez Salcido-Kasteiner, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, LMFT #50010
  • Kaila Lamb, Marriage and Family Therapist Trainee
  • Jenny Lam, Marriage and Family Therapist Trainee
  • Ivonne Guerrero, Marriage and Family Therapist Trainee
  • Espy Castillon, Marriage and Family Therapist Trainee
  • Suzanne Lopez, Marriage and Family Therapist Trainee
  • ViaCare Community Health Care Staff

***To request a staff member for a class presentation, workshop, training, or tabling event, please complete the following form:

Service Request Form

Faculty & Staff Consultations

You work closely with students, so it’s important to be equipped with resources to help when you notice a student who may need support.

TimelyCare is a service that offers virtual health and well-being services to students for free. It also provides Faculty and Staff Support, a dedicated phone line for you to reach the TimelyCare team for guidance and support in cases of student distress.

You can access Faculty & Staff Guidance Line by calling (833)-4-TIMELY.

It’s available 24/7, 365 days a year.

TC Client Toolkit Business Card

Faculty and staff may also contact us for individual consultations regarding issues with disturbed or disruptive students. We can help you to identify strategies for dealing with such situations, and provide you with referral resources. Contact Alura Williams, Director of the Student Health and Psychological Services office at ext. 7302 or email at [email protected].

If you feel you are the target of any kind of harassing, intimidating or threatening behavior by any member of the campus community that is causing you emotional distress and/or concern for your safety or are in any kind of immediate danger, you should contact campus security directly at ext. 3490.

All consultations will be kept confidential, although in helping you to develop a plan of action, we may suggest involving other college departments (e.g. campus security, dean, behavioral intervention team).