Educational Assistance Classes at RÍo Hondo College are available under the Education Development (EDEV) section.

EDEV 021

EDEV 021 – Literacy Skills II (Currently not being offered)

This course is designed for students with learning disabilities who need to improve basic reading skills such as dictionary usage, vocabulary development, and reading comprehension. Students practice specific learning strategies needed to compensate for diverse learning styles or deficits. This is a non-degree applicable course and is offered on a pass/no pass basis. All students are required to concurrently enroll in the one-unit reading lab, EDEV 021L.

  • Prerequisite: Appropriate skill level demonstrated through the RHC Placement Process
  • Corequisite: Concurrent enrollment in EDEV 021L

EDEV 021L – Literacy Skills II Lab (Currently not being offered)

This course is a skills class designed for students with learning disabilities who need to improve reading comprehension and vocabulary through individually prescribed lab work. Students will complete reading tasks designed to complement the activities of their reading course. Students are required to be concurrently enrolled in EDEV 021, Literacy Skills II.

  • Prerequisite/Corequisite: EDEV 021
EDEV 025

EDEV 025 Adaptive Computer Technology

This course helps disabled students to utilize adaptive computer hardware and software. The material will be provided which is relevant to each student’s needs. Emphasis will also be placed on knowledge of appropriate compensatory strategies and familiarity with disability equipment. Documentation of a verifiable disability needs to be provided to the DSP&S office to enroll in the course. This is a non-degree credit course.

EDEV 030

EDEV 030 English Skill

This course is designed for students with learning disabilities who need to improve their basic writing skills. A process approach to writing is integrated with reading assignments to provide a variety of writing experiences. Students practice strategies to develop thinking, language, and writing skills. This course is the beginning level of composition; it prepares students for success in ENGL 035 or ENGL 101. This is a non-degree credit course and is offered on a pass/no pass basis. Students are required to concurrently enroll in EDEV 030W.

  • Corequisite: EDEV 030W

EDEV 030W English Skills Lab

This course is a skills class to assist students with learning disabilities in improving writing and language skills through instruction with the Learning Disabilities Specialist. Students will perform writing tasks designed to complement the activities of their composition class. This is a non-degree applicable course and is offered on a pass/no pass basis. Students are required to concurrently enroll in EDEV 030, English Skills.

  • Corequisite: EDEV 030

EDEV 033A  Mathematical Foundations

EDEV 033A is intended to mirror MATH 033A. It combines topics from both Basic Math and pre-algebra, including operations with whole numbers, integers, fractions, and decimals. This course serves as a foundational course for all students. Completion of EDEV 033A will enable the student to register for EDEV 033B or MATH 033B. Students must complete MATH 033A and MATH 033B within a maximum period of 24 months. The course is designed for students with special needs to master and develop problem-solving and arithmetic skills and acquire learning strategies to allow them to function successfully upon matriculating into upper-level mathematics courses. This is a non-degree applicable course.

  • Advisory: READ 022 or appropriate placement; ENGL 030 or EDEV 030 or ENLA 034 or appropriate placement

EDEV 033B  Mathematical Foundations

EDEV 033B is intended to mirror MATH 033B. This course combines topics from both Basic Math and pre-algebra, including rates, ratios, and proportional thinking, percent problems, and applications to percent, and an introduction to algebraic thinking using fundamental principles of expressions and solving linear equations. This course serves as a foundational course for all students. Students must complete EDEV 033A and EDEV 033B within a maximum period of 24 months. The course is designed for students with special needs to master and develop problem-solving and arithmetic skills and acquire learning strategies to allow them to function successfully upon matriculating into upper-level mathematics courses. This is a non-degree applicable course.

  • Advisory: READ 022 or appropriate placement; ENGL 030 or EDEV 030 or ENLA 034 or appropriate placement
EDEV 101

EDEV 101 College and Life Success

This course provides an exploration of cognitive, psychological, social, and physical factors influencing success in college and in life. Topics include personal responsibility, critical thinking, motivation, self-efficacy, personal awareness, life-long learning, self-management, health and wellness, interpersonal communication in a diverse world, and introduction to career and educational planning. Students will learn about the purpose, demands, requirements, and support services of higher education including both RÍo Hondo College and four-year institutions.

  • Advisory: ENGL 030 or ENLA 034 or appropriate placement; READ 043 or appropriate placement
  • Transfers to: CSU
EDEV 134

EDEV 134 Study Techniques

This is a course in college study skills that also addresses the needs of students identified with special learning needs. Students are taught specific techniques, principles, and strategies which enable them to effectively acquire, integrate, store, and retrieve information and thus become more successful students. Topics in this course include in-depth instruction in critical reading and thinking, time management, memory techniques, note-taking, test-taking, creativity, and communication. Students are encouraged to utilize appropriate college resources.

  • Advisory: ENGL 035 or ENLA 100 or appropriate placement; READ 043 or appropriate placement
  • Transfers to: CSU
EDEV 151

EDEV 151 Career Exploration and Life Planning

This course will examine student, career, and self-development theories to empower students to make effective decisions throughout their lives by engaging in the process of career and life planning from psychological, sociological, and physiological perspectives. Students will compare and contrast human development and career theories, decision-making, factors that contribute to college success, life skills, adult workplace competencies, labor market trends in a global economy, successful job search and workplace behaviors, and their own values, interest, abilities, and personality.

  • Advisory: ENGL 035 or ENLA 100 or appropriate placement; READ 043 or appropriate placement
  • Transfers to: CSU