Follow these simple steps to apply for Disabled Students Programs and Services (DSPS) at Río Hondo College. Each step helps you understand how to apply and what you need for academic success. The link to apply can be found in Step 3.

Step 1: Apply to Río Hondo College

All students who wish apply for DSPS services, must first be enrolled as a student at Río Hondo College. Students can do this by visiting the Get Started at Río Hondo College website. Once a you have a student ID number and email address you are ready to begin the application process for DSPS services.

Step 2: Verification of Disability

I have documentation:

You will need a copy of your Verification of Disability (VOD) paperwork. This is required documentation and vital for us to complete the intake process. Below are examples of appropriate VOD documentation. This is not a full list of all possible types of documentation. Please contact us if you have questions about the VOD documentation that you have. Make sure the paperwork clearly states your diagnosis and if you can get it electronically that will make the application process faster.

  • 504 Plan
  • Department of Rehabilitation report
  • IEP
  • Regional Center report/paperwork
  • Report from doctor or other medical provider
  • Report from therapist/psychologist
  • Social Security Office Documentation
  • Veterans Affairs report/paperwork

I need documentation:

If you do not have documentation then you can use our DSPS-Disability Verification form to take to your healthcare provider. Once you have the document, you can bring it into our office to be scanned and placed in your application.

I would like to be tested for a learning disability:

Learning disability testing is designed to assess if a student may have a disability in one of the following areas: reading, writing, math, or processing speed. This testing is designed for individuals who do not have documentation of a disability and have experienced academic struggles in school. By being tested for a learning disability if someone is found to have a disability they may then qualify for accommodations and services that can help with academic success. This process may also help the student learn more about their own strengths and limitations.

We conduct testing for a learning disability. We do not diagnose students for conditions such as:

  • Mental Health Disorders
  • ADHD
  • Autism
  • Dyscalculia
  • Dyslexia

Step 3: Online Application

Once you have your Verification of Disability paperwork or are requesting learning disability testing, it’s time to complete the online application. Use the Apply Now button at the top of this page to start the application process.

  • Sign into the Accessible Information Management (AIM) system with your regular log-in information.
  • At the top of the page you will find a New Student link to start an application.
  • Complete the application and select submit.
  • You are not done yet. After you submit, a second page will pop-up. You will upload your VOD paperwork on this page. If you do not have paperwork yet, or are requesting learning disability testing, you can skip the upload.
    • If you have VOD paperwork and could not upload it or it is not in a digital format, you can bring it by our office and we will scan and attach it to your application.

If you are requesting learning disability testing, please complete these Learning Disability Questions. The testing process can be lengthy and we require the student make a commitment to follow through with the entire process. A breakdown of that process is listed below:

  • Eligibility Recommendation (1 hour appointment)
  • Intake Screening (1 hour appointment)
  • Measured Achievement Assessment (2 hour appointment)
  • Ability Level Assessment (2 hour appointment)
  • Processing Deficit(s)
  • Aptitude-Achievement Discrepancy(ies)

Step 4: Your Intake Appointment

Now that we have your application and either your disability paperwork or request for learning disability testing, we will contact you to set up your intake appointment. The appointment may not be for several days depending on availability and the number of intakes that need to be completed.