GAIN/DPSS Information

Class to Study Time Policy

For each hour spent in a lecture class, a student should plan to spend about two hours a week on study and homework. Thus, a load of 15 units plus study time may require 45 hours a week–more than a full-time work week. Please refer to Page 41 of the Río Hondo College Catalog (PDF) for the entire study-hours policy.

Winter/Spring terms

Río Hondo College winter intersession is considered part of the spring term for students. Although students can register independently for winter session classes, their student schedules and transcripts will show both winter and spring classes as being part of the spring term.

Directory of CalWORKs resources

This is a directory of various resources and services that you may find helpful during your participation in the CalWORKs Program at Río Hondo College:

Definition of GAIN/DPSS Terms

Official TermCommon Acronym(s)Common Alternate Title(s)
GN6006/6005AGN Form, VOC, SIPEducation Activity Referral
GN6070PRProgress Report
GN6365MARMonthly Attendance Form
Verification of BenefitsVOB
Department of Public Social ServicesDPSSThe County (L.A. County)
Greater Avenues for Independence (Program within DPSS)
GAIN Services WorkerGSWSocial Services Worker