Stay focused on your goals!
Students who make progress toward their goals will be rewarded for their efforts. If you stay focused on your goals and utilize support services, you should get the classes you need to accomplish your course of study. Counseling provides a variety of services to help you succeed.
Frequently asked questions
What are the changes to Priority Registration? How will this affect me?
Changes to priority registration are the result of new state laws and regulations affecting all California community college students.
The new regulations are designed to assist students in completing their goals.
Priority registration policy encourages students to work with a counselor to develop an educational plan and stay on track. Rio Hondo College will be providing services to help you succeed.
For more information about priority registration, refer to Administrative Procedure 5055 located in the A-Z Index on the Citrus College website.
When will the new changes take effect?
The new changes began spring 2014. Student educational plans will be required to maintain priority registration beginning fall 2014.
Continuing students continuously enrolled prior to the fall 2014 semester are exempted from the student educational plan requirement.
What do I need to do?
If you are a new student, completion of assessment, orientation, and a student educational plan will be needed to maintain priority registration.
For future term deadline dates, please refer to the Schedule of Classes. You are also strongly encouraged to identify a course of study (major).
Complete the Course of Study Change Form. If you need help completing the Course of Study Change Form, go to the counseling counter on the second floor of the Student Services Building.
Once completed, submit the form to the Admissions and Records Office.
Continuing student
If you are a continuing student, you are encouraged to identify a course of study and develop an educational plan with a counselor. Make an appointment with a counselor if you have not completed an educational plan.
Continuing students must also follow these guidelines so that they will not be in danger of losing their priority registration:
- Maintain good academic standing and earn a grade point average of a 2.0.
- Maintain good progress by enrolling in courses you are sure you can finish. You must complete at least 50% of your courses each semester.
- Select classes carefully. If you exceed 100 degree applicable units you may lose priority registration. The 100-unit limit does not include non-degree applicable English as a Second Language or basic skills courses.
In some circumstances students may be temporarily exempted from the 100-unit limit. See a counselor if you will be over 75 degree applicable units.
What if I’m on academic or progress probation?
Students who are on academic or progress probation are notified through their Citrus College email at the end of each primary semester.
Students who have, in any combination, a GPA below 2.0 or have not completed at least 50% of their courses for two semesters in a row are in danger of being dismissed and also in danger of losing priority registration.
If you are on probation, you must complete the following probation workshop online.
What are the reasons I may be able to appeal my loss of priority registration?
You may be able to appeal your loss of priority registration for the following reasons:
- Extenuating Circumstances – Verified cases of accident, illness, or other circumstances beyond your control that prevented you from completing orientation, completing assessment, developing an educational plan, completing your educational goal(s) before earning 100 degree applicable units, and/or remaining in good academic standing.
- Lack of Timely Accommodation – You have a verified disability and applied for, but did not receive reasonable accommodation in a timely manner.
- Completing Educational Goal (100 units only) – You are close to completing your educational goal and have earned 100 degree applicable units at Citrus, and would like a one-time exemption from loss of enrollment priority.
To appeal your loss of priority registration for Lack of Timely Accommodation, go to the Disabled Students Programs and Services Office (DSPS).
To appeal your loss of priority for Extenuating Circumstances and Completing Educational Goal (100 units only), please make an appointment with a counselor in advance of completing 100 degree applicable units.
For all appeals, documentation is required and petition deadline dates will be observed for each term. For deadline dates for future terms, please refer to the current class schedule.