What is FLEX?

The faculty obligation to engage in professional development each semester. Title V allows community colleges flexibility”  with the 175-day instructional calendar to enable participation in activities related to staff, student and instructional improvement. Río Hondo has negotiated a 168-day calendar, with an additional 7 days required for FLEX activities. The exact number of hours required each semester is based on a faculty member’s instructional load.

FLEX Reporting Deadlines

Fall Semester 2024 (Part-Time faculty only), Monday, December 2nd

Spring Semester 2025 (All Full & Part-Time faculty), May 1st

FLEX Reporting Information

Faculty have 24/7 access to review FLEX obligations, see what they have already been credited for, and to submit self-reported FLEX activities via FLEX Reporter.

FLEX Reporter Instructions(DOCX)

Note that on-campus group activities are input by the FLEX Office following receipt of a sign-in sheet.

What Counts for FLEX?

To ensure your planned activities can count for FLEX, review our Pre-approved FLEX Activities Lists.

FLEX Resources