Survey: Help us in shaping Río Hondo College's future.

UndocuTalks Session

The Student Success and Dream Center continues to partner with our Psychological Services to provide a supportive space for students who are Dreamers, Undocumented, DACAmented, and/or part of a Mixed Status family. This group will be a confidential space for students to cultivate community and talk about topics of interest such as navigating Rio Hondo

Handling Anger

Do anger and resentment get in the way of your peace and happiness? Has anger ever led you to do things you regret the next day? In this workshop we'll address the origins of anger and how we can manage and process those feels so that anger doesn't hijack our life.

Syllabi Analysis

Need help organizing yourself for our online classes? Do not know where to start? Lets start by learning how to decode the syllabus?

Success Strategies

Join us for tips and tricks on how to ACE college, where it be in person, online, or both!

Rio Hondo Resources

Learn about the academic and non-academic support services available for students to succeed!

UndocuTalks Session

For students without borders or undocumented students

UndocuTalks Sessions

Undocumented students will meet every Friday at 11:00 am to discuss topics related to mental health, academic advancement and build community.

SSDC Saturday Academic Counseling

The Student Success and Dream Center will be offering counseling services on select weekend dates during Spring 2022 semester! Please call our office at (562) 463-6650 to schedule your appointment!

R&R: Rio and Recovery

A safe, confidential space and presentation discussing the impacts of problematic substance use and how to successfully begin or maintain a recovery journey. The session will be facilitated by a mental health professional.

Balancing Overall Wellness

A detailed presentation on wellness, its dimensions, and possible approaches college students can take for a balanced and healthy life. Discusses the wellness wheel to focus on each aspect of wellness.

Financial Success as a College Student

Students will Track their Expenses & Create a Realistic Budget​, learn about opening a Bank Account​, Have an Emergency Fund​, and Be Credit Card Savvy.

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