Alpha Gamma Sigma (AGS)
AGS is a California Community College Honor Society. Its purpose is to foster, promote, maintain and recognize academic excellence through scholarships. AGS seeks to promote service to the college and community.
Honors Transfer Program
The Honors Transfer Program provides a unique learning opportunity with challenging courses for the academically talented and highly motivated community college student who is seeking transfer to a four-year university.
Learning Communities
In the Learning Communities program, serious and committed students are placed in a cohort, or learning community for one or two semesters to promote academic achievement and for a deeper enhancement of existing student success programs. Instructors meet regularly to discuss student progress and to coordinate class lectures and assignments in practical, relevant, and interdisciplinary terms.
Math Engineering Science Achievement (MESA)
MESA enables educationally disadvantaged students to prepare, transfer and graduate from a four-year university majoring in the areas of engineering, the sciences, computer science and mathematics.
Puente Program
Puente is an interdisciplinary program in writing, counseling and mentoring that prepares underrepresented students for transfer to a four year university. The mission of the Puente Program is to increase the number of students earning a college degree who then return to their communities as mentors and leaders to future generations.
Springboard Program
Springboard is designed to refresh and strengthen students’ basic skills in mathematics and writing.
Study Abroad Program
Study Abroad program allows students the opportunity of cross-cultural experience, utilizing foreign resources while making normal progress toward their undergraduate degrees. Earned college credits are transferable. Programs of study include London, England and Salamanca, Spain.
Summer Bridge Program
Summer Bridge is designed to empower basic skills level students entering college through preparedness, skill building and develop academic direction. Participants will learn how to become independent, active learners in a college setting as they transition from high school.