Email Signature Generator

Need guidance on using this tool? Instructions are available at the bottom of the page, or click here.

*Required fields.
*Email must be

Signature Preview:

  1. Fill in the Details:
    • Enter your name, pronouns (optional), title, department, phone number, email, and select address in the provided fields.
    • If you opt to add a secondary title and department/division name, you will need to enter both of these fields for the signature to generate.
    • Select any optional ally badges you wish to display by checking the appropriate checkboxes.
  2. Generate the Signature:
    • Click on the "Generate Signature" button.
    • A live preview of your signature will be displayed in the "Signature Preview" section.
  3. Copy the Signature:
    • Once satisfied with the preview, click the "Copy Signature" button to copy the signature for Outlook.
    • Please review the Signature Guidelines below.

The Marketing and Communications Department at Río Hondo College emphasizes the importance of maintaining a standardized and professional representation in email communications. By adhering to the guidelines laid out below, we ensure that our email correspondence consistently showcases the values, professionalism, and standards of Río Hondo College.

Email Signature Components

An official Río Hondo College email signature should effectively communicate the following key pieces of information:

  • Rio Hondo College seal
  • Your full name
  • Your official title
  • Your department or division
  • Your contact details
  • Links to the Río Hondo College website and its official social media channels
  • Refrain from modifying the font size, style, or color beyond the standard format.
  • Do not add any extraneous elements to the signature, such as quotes, additional logos, or unapproved icons (including non-official social media links).
  • Ensure the email background remains plain white. Graphics, background colors, or patterns are strictly prohibited.
Ally Badges Guidelines

Our commitment to inclusion and diversity is reflected in the Ally Badges we proudly display in our email signatures (e-signatures). To ensure consistency and authenticity of an Ally Badge versus a Program Logo, the guidelines to include Ally Badges to your e-signature is the following:

  • Approval: Approved Ally Badges for use in e-signatures are those available on our e-signature generator.
  • Training: Before displaying an Ally Badge, you must have completed the respective Ally Training. This is essential to ensure the badge represents the completion of the required training.
  • Scheduling Training: If you wish to become an ally and display an approved badge, please reach out to the respective department to schedule your training.
  • Badge Inclusion: If you've completed a training and the corresponding badge isn't available in the e-signature generator, please contact that specific department.

Please note that the only approved email signature is the one generated by this tool. By adhering to these guidelines, we present a united front, reflecting the excellence and commitment of Río Hondo College in all our communications.


  1. Open Outlook.
  2. Click on "File" > "Options" > "Mail".
  3. Click on the "Signatures" button.
  4. Click on "New" to create a new signature.
  5. Name your signature.
  6. In the "Edit Signature" section, paste the copied signature.
  7. Save changes and select the signature from the dropdown menu for new messages or replies/forwards.


  1. Open Outlook.
  2. In the Tools menu, select "Public Folders".
  3. In the navigation pane (on the left side), click "Search Folders", then "New", and then "Signature".
  4. Name your signature.
  5. In the right pane, paste the copied signature.
  6. Save changes and assign the signature as default for your emails.
  1. Log in to your Outlook account.
  2. Click on the gear icon (Settings) in the upper right corner.
  3. Under "Your app settings", choose "Mail".
  4. In the left sidebar, click "Compose and reply", locate "Email signature".
  5. Add New Signature and paste the copied signature in the provided space. Make sure to Save before proceeding to the next step.
  6. In the "Select default signatures" make sure you select your new signature for New Messages if you want it to be added automatically.
  7. Save changes.

Due to limitations in mobile email apps, setting up rich HTML signatures with images can be more challenging. Follow these steps to ensure the best possible outcome:

  1. Using a Desktop:
    • Open your preferred email client (e.g., Outlook).
    • Compose a new email.
    • Paste your full signature (with images) into the body of the email.
    • Send this email to the address that you access from your mobile device.
  2. On Your Mobile Device:
    • Open the email you sent to yourself.
    • Highlight the entire signature.
    • Copy it.
    • Navigate to the settings of your email app.
    • Find the email signature setting and paste the copied signature there.

Images might initially appear broken but send an email test to confirm. Always test your signature across multiple environments to ensure it appears correctly.