Home / New Math and English Course Sequences Effective Fall 2019

New Math and English Course Sequences Effective Fall 2019

Starting in Fall 2019, all students will have the opportunity to enroll in transfer-level English and Math.  Current students have the opportunity to complete an updated Placement Tool to update their placement levels in English and Math.  Based on information such as high school grade point average, students may be placed into a support class.  Students are encouraged to take the highest level course that they feel comfortable with.  Basic skills courses are still available.

Students can access the Placement Tool following the steps below: 

Placement Tool

Rio Hondo College offers a Placement Tool to provide students with tailored information about English and Math placement.  Students can access the Placement Tool by following these students:

  1. AccessRio: Log Into the AccessRio Portal
  2. Placement Tool: Click on the Academic Tab and select the Placement Tool.

Placement Results: Answer the questions and meet with a Counselor to obtain your placement results

Click image to enlargeEnglish Pathway Page 1English Pathway Page 2Math Pathway Page 1Math Pathway Page 2