- Many scholarships go unclaimed because not enough students apply for them. For the amount of money you may get, the work is definitely worth it. Useful guides that will help you with all of your scholarships applications are Stanford University’s Guide to Developing a Strong Scholarship Application and the MALDEF Scholarship Guide.
- Scholarships are grants (free money). Don’t think you are not qualified, not all scholarships are only for students with high GPA.
Rio Hondo College
- Rio Hondo College Foundation Scholarships open every Fall Semester
- Grants for RHC Calculus-Based STEM Majors: STARSS 2.0 (Opens in spring for the next academic year)
Other Foundations
- Hispanic Scholarship Fund
- Congressional Black Caucus Foundation
- Go College Hispanic College Grants
- NACE Foundation Academic Scholarship
- The Dream US Scholarships for Dreamers
Universities and Colleges
Check the financial aid pages for the schools that you are applying to for any scholarships specifically for students applying to that college or university. These may be full ride scholarships.
- UCLA Scholarship Resource Center
- UC Irvine Scholarships
- Cal State LA Scholarships
- UC Berkeley Scholarships
- Whittier College Scholarships
- For other universities and colleges, Google the school’s name and the word scholarship.