1. Fill out the Request for Letter of Recommendation. You will need a form for each request. Turn this form into my office (S233J). All requests must be word-processed; hand-written requests are not acceptable. All requests must be signed in blue or black ink.
2. Read “What we Need to Write You a Thorough Letter of Recommendation“.
3. I must be notified of your request at least one (1) week in advance of the deadline.
4. Include the name, mailing address, URL, email address, and a short description of the program.
5. State the deadline. Note that deadlines for faculty letters are often different than for applicants.
6. You may include personal statements and resumes. I may include some of this information in your letter. Turn these documents in with your request.
7. I only write confidential letters. I will agree to write letters only if you waive your right to review.
8. Alert me if the recommendation will involve an online form or will need to mailed. If it is to be mailed, make sure I have the correct mailing address. If the letter must be included in a packet, I will enclose the letter in an official Rio Hondo College envelope and initial the flap of the envelope.
9. As the deadline approaches, you may send me email reminders as often as you wish. I will read them, but I may not respond until after I have submitted the recommendation.