BIOT 100 Introduction to Biotechnology
The course will introduce students to the study of the biological sciences with an emphasis on the role that biotechnology plays in basic research and product development. The laboratory component will provide the students with hands-on introductory experiences in biotechnology techniques.
BIOT 110 Introduction to Biotechnology Techniques and Applications
The course will introduce students to the biotechnological techniques and their applications. The significant laboratory component will enable students to become familiar with the techniques and concerns of the biotechnology laboratory and its business applications. Techniques studied will include macromolecule isolation, purification and identification, solution preparation and monitoring, as well as best practices for laboratory operation and documentation. Prerequisite: BIOT 100
BIOT 130 Fermentation Technology I
This introductory-level course takes up fermentation technologies, and emphasizes especially batch yeast fermentations associated with the brewing of beer. The course covers the history, development, and current status of beer brewing; the biology and genetics of yeast; and the influence of raw materials on the final outcome of the brewing process. Emphasis is placed on current technologies involved in modern, small-scale brewing. In addition, the use of yeast as a general agent of biological change is discussed. The laboratory part of the course emphasizes the design, formulation, and execution of a specific product in a hands-on environment in order to simulate current industry standards and practices. Field trips of industrial fermentation sites are included.
BIOT 130 Fermentation Technology II
This course is a continuation of Fermentation Technology 1 and focuses on bacterial fermentation in a laboratory setting. The course emphasizes the biological and genetic aspects of bacteria and the role of bacteria in the production of modern biotechnologies. Technologies particular to both batch and continuous fermentation processes and product identification and recovery are explored. Students are placed in a production-styled laboratory setting to produce and purify a particular bacterial product following current industry standards and protocols. Field trips to local industrial installations will be used to highlight and clarify real-world applications.