Library instruction sessions consist of orientations, tours, or class visits that will help your students become information literate.

Please complete this form to request a library instruction session for your class. Instruction by a librarian takes place in one of the library’s classrooms during your class time and usually incorporates a hands-on activity. A librarian may also visit your class but with limited resources depending on your classroom. Allow at least one week between the time you submit this form and your requested date. Requests are filled on a first-come, first-served basis.

Before submitting your request, check our instruction calendar for availability. Note: Upon submission, you will receive an email receipt confirming your submitted request and a librarian will soon after contact you to confirm your instruction appointment.

Request Form

"*" indicates required fields

If you are requesting multiple instruction sessions for the same class, please input the information in the Comments box at the end of the form.

First Preference for Single-Session Instruction*
Start Time*
End Time*
Second Preference for Single-Session Instruction*
Start Time*
End Time*
Mode of Instruction*
*[Live Zoom] – Librarian meets instructor and students via Zoom during designated date and time. [Asynchronous] – Librarian prepares instructional materials (such as LibGuides, video tutorials, etc.) that are presented to instructor and students without meeting live.
If your class is working on a specific assignment, please upload it here.
Drop files here or
Accepted file types: pdf, doc, docx, jpg, png, Max. file size: 10 MB, Max. files: 5.
    If you don’t have a document file for the class assignment or if you want to elaborate on the assignment, please do so here.
    Instruction Topics to Cover (Check all that apply)
    The times given are estimates and will depend on what you’d like your students to learn during the session. Please add up the minutes you request and make sure it fits within your class period and the library hours.
    – Customized instruction – Classroom # if instruction is outside of library – Multiple instruction sessions for the same class – Others