The Library has 45 PC workstations as well as nine Macs in the Computer Commons, which is next to/in front of the Reference Desk. Students may print from any computer, all of which are connected to the Internet. Library computers have a range of office and graphics software, including programs in the Microsoft Office and Adobe Creative Cloud suites. Computers are for academic use only.
How do I log in to a computer?
The Library has a walk-up reservation system to use these computers. To use a computer:
- Walk up to any unused computer
- Enter your AccessRio username and password on the screen
- Hit “Enter” or click on the arrow
- You now have the computer for a set amount of time.
What if all the computers are in use?
If all the computers are in use, see the librarian at the Reference Desk for assistance.
Laptop lending is also available in the library. To borrow a laptop, visit the Circulation Desk with your Student ID card ready. Laptops can be checked out for 2 hours and must stay inside the library.
We also have wireless access to the web if you have your own laptop/tablet/or portable device that you wish to use. Simply pick the “Guest” login, then go to your browser and agree to the rules shown on our login page. Wireless printing is also available in the library.
For other locations on campus that have computer access and printing facilities, check the “Plugged in at Rio” flyer.
What if I run out of time to complete my assignment?
If you need additional time on the computer, ask for assistance from a librarian.
How do I log off a computer when I am finished using it?
Click on the yellow “Log Off” button in the upper right of the screen.
Please do not turn off the computer, lock it, or turn off the monitor. None of these actually ends your session.
Computer Use Guidelines
For details, please refer to the Rio Hondo College Library Computer Use Policy and the Rio Hondo Community College District Administrative Procedure: Computer and Network Use (AP No. 3720).