This is an example photo gallery. These photos are from around the college.
Photos have been resized to be no larger than 1024 pixels wide and have been saved for the web (smaller file size). The images were uploaded with the visual editor. Then a new gallery was created and inserted.
Please leave the gallery set to display three pictures across.
Click the Add Media button and choose Create Gallery. Complete instructions for the Photo Gallery feature are located here.
Note: Ensure that your images are linking to the media file so they pop-up when you click on them.
Cropping and Resizing Photos
Windows Users
You can crop your images using these free tools:
Mac OS X Users
You can use the built-in Preview app to resize individual photos. There are multiple ways to batch resize photos using either the terminal or Automator.
Q. What if I don’t want my image to pop-up in the lightbox? Can I just link to an image for download?
A. Yes, there is a technical solution to this. Add your link to an image as usual. Then, in the text editor, add rel="noshow"
somewhere in the link reference. The solution will look something like this:
<a href="http://your-link-here" target="_blank" rel="noshow">Click to here to download</a>