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Grow Your Own Teacher Pathway (GYOTP) Program – Mentor

Mentor – Get Started!

The STEM-CTE Teach Program will be accepting mentors to participate in the GYOTP Program. Interested? Complete these two steps to apply.

Step 1:

Read the Mentor Information Session slides

GYOTP Info Session thumbnail

Step 2:

Fill out the Mentor Application form

Why Become a GYOTP Mentor?

  • Get paid: $300 stipend per semester/per student (max $600 per semester); Mentors can be matched over multiple semester
  • Be part of a network of mentor teachers and future teachers with access to community events
  • Cultivate and mentor the next generation of teachers
  • Increase your community voice and ownership in education
  • Long-term employment solution: Be part of recruiting and training teachers who can later be employed at your school/district
  • Teacher leadership and professional development opportunities

Mentor Eligibility

  • Be a current teacher with a classroom
  • Clear credential
  • Teaching in PK-12 grade level
  • Be part of one of the named partner school districts that Rio Hondo, Cerritos, and West LA community colleges are working with on GYOTP project
  • Special invitation and call our for mentors who identify as BIPOC, community college alumni, and first-generation college student

Mentor Expectations

  • Mentoring max 2 community college students on the teaching pathway
  • Minimum of 1 year commitment
  • The only paperwork needed will be to fill out a monthly mentorship form
  • Host weekly meetings and/or classroom visitations with the mentees
  • Participate in asynchronous online mentor trainings
  • Approximately one meeting with project staff per month (but additional meetings can be scheduled as needed)
  • Communicate with project staff as needed to complete duties