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Rio Hondo College’s STEM-CTE Teach program has over fourteen years of experience in preparing diverse students for teaching careers. Housed within Career Technical Education (CTE), the program welcomes students aspiring to teach across all disciplines and grade levels, with a particular focus on STEM-CTE and other high-need areas. It stands out as a model program in the region and state for its mentoring program, which allows students to explore and prepare for teaching with the support and guidance of a mentor who has successfully navigated the teaching pipeline.

Committed to increasing educational equity, Rio Hondo serves a diverse student community and aims to diversify the teacher workforce. The program emphasizes community and school collaboration to strengthen the teaching profession through regional grow-your-own workforce development initiatives.

Leading the Teach Los Angeles Regional Collaborative from 2016-2020, the program pioneered the ongoing Teach for LA Virtual Workshop Series, which has been replicated in other regions of California.