Paying Your Fees and Student Financial Obligations

Understand payment policies, fees, and refunds at Río Hondo College to avoid holds on grades, transcripts, and registration privileges.

Enrollment Fees

  • Once you register for classes, you are obligated to pay your fees.
  • A statement showing your charges and balance due will be placed on your student portal, the college will not send a bill by mail.
  • Students with any outstanding financial obligations to the college (e.g., library fines, laboratory fees, financial aid overpayment, returned check, registrations fees, emergency loans, etc.) will have student privileges withheld, including, but not limited to, notification of grades, sending of transcripts, and right to register.
  • Pay your fees/financial obligations at the cashier’s window or online via AccessRío.
Required FeesFall and SpringSummer
Resident Tuition (per unit)$46.00$46.00
Non-Resident Tuition [in addition to the $46.00 (per unit) enrollment fee]$406.00$342.00
Student Health Fee*$23.00$20.00
Student Representation Fee**$2.00$2.00
College Service Fee***$7.00$4.00
GoRio Fee (Transit Fee)$9.00N/A

*Students who document that due to their religion they do not believe in modern medicine may be exempted from the Student Health Fee. A full refund will be made only if requested in writing prior to the semester refund deadline.

**This fee supports student representation at city, county, and district government meetings. Students may refuse to pay this fee on religious, political or moral grounds by submitting a refusal in writing to the Student Activities Office prior to registration.

***This fee supports student scholarships, student activities and various campus projects. Fee is automatically charged unless a waiver of the fee is approved and submitted prior to registration. Waivers are available in the Student Activities Office.

Enrollment Fee Refunds

Enrollment fee refunds are automatic; no refund form submission required. You will be eligible for a refund if:

  • You have dropped class(es) by the refund deadline OR
  • Class(es) are cancelled by the college.

Last day to drop for a refund deadlines vary according to classes begin and end dates each semester. Please see Important Dates and Deadlines.

Refunds are processed approximately three weeks after the last day for a refund deadline. BankMobile will send a refund selection kit to you by U.S. mail and a personal code to your Río Hondo College student email.

California Dream Act students will not receive a refund selection kit. Any financial aid funds will be disbursed by check from BankMobile.

Parking Fees

Parking FeesFall and SpringSummer 2024
Semester Parking Permit for Automobile$40.00$20.00
Semester Parking Permit for Motorcycle$10.50$5.50
Daily Parking Permit$3.00$3.00
Metered Parking$0.25 for 15 minutes$0.25 for 15 minutes

Parking Permit Refund

Refunds will only be given for permits that are returned by the RHC PRIMARY TERM last day to drop for a refund. Please see Important Dates and Deadlines. Only RHC students are eligible for semester parking permit refunds. Continuing Education Fee based students are NOT eligible for semester parking permit refunds.

If you purchased the permit online via AccessRío, return the permit in person to the RHC Parking Services by the RHC PRIMARY TERM last day to drop for a refund. The full cost of the permit will be refunded to the credit card used for the purchase. The handling fee is not refunded.

If you purchased the permit at RHC, return the permit in person to the RHC Cashier or Admissions windows by the RHC PRIMARY TERM last day to drop for a refund. The full cost of the permit will be applied to your account. Any refund will be subject to the Fees Refund policy above.


All account balances not paid in full when due are the sole responsibility of the student. The District expects to recover 100% of the debt amount and the student is responsible for all costs incurred by the District to collect such debt. These include and not limited to:

  • Late fees
  • Collection costs charged by the collection agencies (usually 25% to 33% of debt)
  • California Community College’s Chancellor’s Office Tax-Offset Program (COTOP) (25% of the debt)
  • Litigation/attorney’s fees
  • Court costs
  • Interest

Our Accounting staff is available to discuss your financial difficulties and recommended a payment plan to avoid incurring additional fees.