The CDC is Now Enrolling!
Ages 2-5 year old
Río Hondo College has provided a program for children since the 1960s. The program was originally located off campus and supported mostly from funding provided by the Associated Student Body (ASB). In 1996 the program moved to its current on campus location at the Child Development Center.

Currently the Pre-School Laboratory located in the Child Development Center building contracts with the State Department of Education to provide a California State Preschool program for low income families. Families who do not meet the income criteria may participate in the program by paying a fee.
The center has four classrooms for children, three playgrounds and on site parking for child drop off and pick up.
Use the form below to contact the CDC if you have a question or concern.

Contact Us
Child Development Center
366 Workman Mill Road
Whittier, CA 90601
Phone: (562) 908-3494