Process for Bidding
Formal bids and proposals
Formal advertised bids or Requests for Proposals are required for equipment, supplies, and services exceeding the limits established in Education Code 20651 (including applicable sales tax) or for construction exceeding $15,000.
Bid advertisements
The Whittier Daily News is the newspaper of record for all advertised bids. Bid announcements are published once a week for two consecutive weeks, usually in the legal section. Some construction projects will be listed in appropriate trade publications and plan rooms.
Bond and surety requirements
All bidders may be required to provide a Bid Bond with certain types of advertised bids. Successful contractors and bidders may, in addition, be required to furnish any or all of the following:
- 100% Performance Bond
- 100% Payment Bond (mandatory for all construction over $25,000)
- Proof of public liability insurance with endorsements
- Workers’ Compensation
- Liability Insurance certificate
- IRS W-9 form
- California contractor license (active and valid)
Specific requirements will be outlined in each advertised bid or contract.
Noncollusion affidavit
In addition to other bid documents, bidders on public works projects are required by Public Contract Code section 7106 to submit a certification form that they have not colluded with another bidder.
Receipt of bids
All formal advertised bids will be received ONLY in the location designated in the bid documents. The bid shall be submitted in a sealed envelope identified with the bid name/number prior to the date and time specified in the bid instructions. The electric date stamp determines whether or not a bid is received on time. Binds received after the scheduled time will be returned unopened to the bidder.
Bid opening
Presence at bid openings is not required although vendors and contractors are welcome to attend.
The purchase of goods and/or services shall be let to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder(s). The evaluation of responses for award may be based upon price, terms, specifications, past performance of supplier or contractor, compatibility of bid items with existing equipment or materials, and where appropriate, delivery or completion time.
Per Education Code Section 81645, contracts for electronic data processing systems and equipment, electronic telecommunication equipment, supporting software and related materials, goods and services may be let to the party who has submitted on of the three lowest responsible competitive proposals or competitive bids.
After bids have been reviewed and analyzed, a recommendation shall be made to the governing board at the next possible regularly scheduled board meeting. Bids will be available for review in the Purchasing office within three days of opening.
Relief of bidders
A vendor or contractor may be relieved of a bid in which a mistake was made in filling out the bid form and which was not due to an error in judgment or to carelessness in inspecting the site of the work, or in reading the specifications or plans.
The vendor must give a detailed written notice of the mistake to the District within five (5) days of the opening of the bids. A bidder who is relieved of a bid will be prohibited from participating in further bidding on the project/purchase (Public Contract Code Section 5103).
MSDS: Vendors are required to provide Material Safety Data Sheets (M.S.D.S.) from the manufacturer for all products that are hazardous, as defined by Title 8, California Code of Regulations.
Hazardous waste
Contractors transporting hazardous materials on or off campus must supply an approved manifest to the Director of Facilities.