The Citizens Bond Oversight Committee (CBOC) at Río Hondo College ensures transparency and accountability in the expenditure of funds from voter-approved bond measures. Composed of dedicated community members, the CBOC is committed to monitoring the allocation of bond revenues to ensure they are used exclusively for the improvement of educational facilities, infrastructure, and student resources in accordance with legal and voter-approved requirements.


Application for Measure RH Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee

The Board of Trustees of the Rio Hondo Community College District (RHCCD) is seeking qualified, interested individuals to serve on a committee of community leaders, which will serve as the independent Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee for implementing RHCCD’s Measure RH college facilities bond program.

Proposition 39 Bond Election

On November 5, 2024, voters residing within the Rio Hondo Community College District passed Measure RH. Measure RH is a $ 442.2 million bond measure that authorizes funding for needed repairs, upgrades, and new construction projects.

Establishment of a Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee

After a bond authorized under Proposition 39 is passed, California law requires that the District’s Board of Trustees appoint an independent Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee to work with the District.

Committee Responsibilities

In accordance with Education Code Section 15278(b), the Committee shall perform the following tasks:

  • Inform the public concerning the District’s expenditure of Measure RH bond proceeds;
  • Review expenditure reports produced by the District to ensure that Measure RH bond proceeds were expended only for the purposes outlined in Measure RH and;
  • Present to the Board in public session an annual written report outlining the Committee’s activities and conclusions regarding the expenditure of Measure RH bond proceeds.

Appointment of Committee Members

The Board will make all appointments from applications submitted to RHCCD. The Committee shall consist of at least seven members appointed by the Board from a list of candidates submitting written applications, and based on criteria established by Prop 39, to include:

  • One student enrolled and active in a community college support group, such as student government.
  • One member active in a business organization representing the business community located in the District.
  • One member active in a senior citizen organization.
  • One member active in a bona fide taxpayers association.
  • One member active in a support organization for the college, such as a foundation.
  • Two members of the community-at-large.

Time Commitment and Term

Members will serve for a minimum term of two years, the District will establish staggered terms of two year and three year terms.

Archived Agendas and Minutes (2022 and prior)