Courses offered by the Geography Department include:
GEOG 101 Introduction to Physical Geography
Introduction to Physical Geography is a general education course that introduces students to the natural processes that shape the earth. Weather and climate, landforms and volcanoes, glaciers, rivers and coastal phenomena are among the topics explored. This course is for any student interested in the physical processes that shape land masses.
GEOG 101L Introduction to Physical Geography Laboratory
The physical geography laboratory is designed to acquaint students with the methods, techniques and procedures used by geographers in the study and analysis of the physical environment. Students will use maps, the internet and other tools to work with real-world geographic data. This course fulfills the general education lab requirement in physical sciences when taken with or after GEOG 101. Prerequisite/Corequisite: GEOG 101
GEOG 102 Introduction to Cultural Geography
Introduction to Cultural Geography is a general education course that introduces students to the basic elements of culture. Population growth, migration, ethnicity, language, religion, folk and popular culture, and settlement forms are among the topics presented. This course may be of interest to students considering the field of elementary teaching, ecology, social science, or travel related vocations.
GEOG 103 World Regional Geography
World Regional Geography explores the world’s geographic regions, including Subsaharan Africa, North Africa, Southwest Asia, China, Southeast Asia, Middle America, South America, Japan, Europe, and Russia. This course describes the cultural, economic and environmental aspects of each of these geographic realms. It provides a geographic perspective that will enhance global awareness and geographic literacy.
GEOG 310 Environmental Geography
This upper division General Education course is designed for students pursuing a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Automotive Technology, and is open to all students who have successfully completed the requirements to enroll in a 300-level course (junior-level status). This course will examine how the environment is impacted by human activity in different geographical regions and how the environment responds. Topics will include global cycles and systems of the air, water and soil, and the effects of human activity on the environment and living systems. Case studies will be used to investigate specific environmental issues. Prerequisite: GEOG 101 and ENGL 201/201H (both with a grade of “C” or better).