Biology Department Overview

What is life? Answering this question and understanding the diversity and complexity of life form the central focus of biology. Biologists study systems as small as tiny viruses to entire ecosystems.

Furthermore, biologists attempt to comprehend how organisms interact with other organisms and with the environment, how energy is transferred and transformed, how life’s continuity is based on hereditary information, how life changes over time, that life evolves, and many other inquiries.

college of biology related photos


Robert Bethel

Robert Bethel
(562) 463-7496

Fran Cummings

Fran Cummings
(562) 463-7497

Melanie Fierro

Melanie Fierro, Ph.D.
(562) 463-7548

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Shirley Isaac, Ph.D.
(562) 463-6613

Vic Kowalski

Vic Kowalski
(562) 463-7501

Jay Ribaya, Ph.D.

Jay Ribaya, Ph.D.
(562) 463-7504

Shelly Spencer, Ph.D

Shelly Spencer, Ph.D
(562) 463-7505

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Haruka Ito
[email protected]

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Jennifer Alexander
[email protected]

Instructional Lab Technician

Christin Macapagal

Christin Macapagal
(562) 463-7508

Adjunct Faculty

Ahmad Alsawa
Melissa Chandra
Shirley Chen
Alan Efron
Michael Giblin

Miguel Jimenez
Claudia Molina
Jordan Vincent
Jasmine Walton