ASTR 110 General Astronomy
This course is designed to develop an appreciation of astronomy and a broad cosmic perspective. The emphasis of the course is on the current state of knowledge of our solar system, our galaxy, and the universe. Topics on the frontier of astronomical knowledge such as black holes and the search for extraterrestrial life will be explored. This course is designed for those with an interest in astronomy or anyone who desires to expand their cosmic horizons.
ASTR 112 Observational Astronomy
This course is designed to acquaint the student with the methods, techniques, and tools of the astronomer. Indoor labs will demonstrate classical methods and techniques of science. Students will learn the critical thinking processes needed to acquire and analyze scientific data. Students will become familiar with visible objects including constellations, planets, star clusters, galaxies, meteors, and the phases of the moon. (The specific objects observed will change with the time of the year.)
Students will learn to locate objects visually and use astronomical coordinate systems. The development of skill in the operation of optical telescopes is emphasized. This course is designed for those with an interest in learning night skies and the tools astronomers use to explore the cosmos. Observatory facilities will be utilized often, weather permitting.