Step 1

You MUST be Working!

Step 2

Determine the Number of Units you can enroll in based upon the amount of hours you will work during the semester

Step 3


Step 4

Attend an orientation session set by the identified instructor

Step 5

Turn in a fully completed Student Application

Step 6

Complete the Learning Objectives Agreement with the employer and instructor’s input and approval. Obtain signatures & return all required forms to the Division Dean’s Office. Keep a copy for your records.

Note: Hours do not begin to accrue until the Application form and Learning Objectives Agreement (contract) are signed by the student, instructor and employer

Step 7

Work the appropriate number of hours per unit enrolled

Required HoursUnits
54 – 1071
108 – 1612
162 – 2153

Step 8

Maintain a record or journal of WEE experience and turn in time sheets signed by your employer to the WEE Facilitator located in the office of Career & Workforce Education, Room T123

Step 9

Complete and collect the following evaluations:
1.  Student Evaluation
2.  Program Evaluation
3. Employer Evaluation (completed by employer)

Step 10

Submit all required forms to the Instructor of Record at the end of the semester

Required WEE Paperwork

Application FormStudent
Learning Objectives AgreementStudent, Instructor, Employer
Summary TimesheetStudent and Employer
Program EvaluationStudent
Student EvaluationStudent
Employer EvaluationEmployer
Site Visit EvaluationInstructor
Monthly TimesheetsStudent and Employer
Record of ContactInstructor