American Honda Motor Co., Inc. PACT Program

The Automotive Technology Honda Professional Career Training Program Specialization (PACT) is a two-year program designed to prepare graduates to work as an Automotive Technician, with expertise in working with Honda/Acura vehicles. Rio Hondo College starts a new training program at the start of each summer semester.

You will be taught by an ASE (Automotive Service Excellence) certified instructor who specializes in the technologies found on American Honda products. The curricula at Río Hondo conforms to ASE’s NATEF (National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation) stringent guidelines. 

The NATEF curriculum is included in courses specifically designed by American Honda to give you hands-on experience with Honda’s advanced technology and products. While getting a PACT degree or certificate, you can intern at a dealership to learn how a dealership works first hand

Graduates will be prepared to work as an entry-level Automotive Technicians within a Honda or Acura dealership. Students will receive an Associate of Science Degree in Automotive Technology and are eligible to take the Automotive Service of Excellence (ASE) certification exams.

Río Hondo Automotive Training Programs are approved by the Bureau of Automotive Repair (BAR) and certified by the National Automobile Technician Education Foundation (NATEF). The Honda PACT program has been approved for accreditation by the Association of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering for the time period of November 2016 – November 2020.

Estimated cost of program

  • Associates in Science Degree Honda (PACT) Program: $4,996
  • Certificates Honda/Acura: $1,664

Academic programs

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