Interdisciplinary Approach to Art History
Art History courses at Río Hondo College explore the relationships between artistic developments and many other disciplines including history, politics, religion, music, philosophy, and anthropology.
Art History Course Highlights
ART 104: The Art of the Ancient Americas
A study of the indigenous arts of Mexico, Andean South America, and Central America, from civilizations including the Olmec, Maya, Aztec, Inca, Moche, Chavin de Huantar, and Nazca. Art of representative native tribes of the territory now encompassed by the United States and Canada will be comparatively examined.
ART 105 &105H: Survey of Art History from Prehistoric through Medieval Periods
This course presents a broad overview of Prehistoric, Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Greek, Etruscan, Roman, Early Christian, Islamic, and Medieval art and architecture.
ART 106 &106H: Survey of Art History from the Renaissance to the Present
This course provides an overview of the history of Western art from the 14th century through the Modern Era, including Renaissance, Baroque, Rococo, Neoclassicism, Romanticism, Realism, Early Photography, Impressionism, Post Impressionism, and early Modern art movements of the 20th century.
ART 107: The Art of Asia
This course examines the artistic traditions of Prehistoric to Modern Asia in relation to their cultural, philosophical, and religious influences. The art and architecture of Central Asia (India, China, Korea, and Japan) will be emphasized. Examples from Southeast Asia, Pakistan, Tibet, and Nepal will also be discussed.
ART 108: The Art of Mexico
This course is a survey of the art and architecture of Mexico including PreColumbian, Viceregal (Colonial) and Modern 19th and 20th centuries. Chicano/a art will also be examined in relation to its Mexican antecedents.
ART 109: The Art of the Americas: Colonial to Modern
This course includes a study of the art and architecture of North, Central, and South America from the colonial period to the early 20th Century.
ART 110: Understanding Visual Art
A lecture course that provides the student with an introduction to the study of visual art: its vocabulary, its forms, the many roles it plays in society, and the variety of processes artists master in its making. Students gain insight into current approaches used in interpreting meaning from art and explore questions about the ways in which value is assigned to the art object.
ART 112: Visual Art in the Modern Era
A survey of developments in art and architecture from the early 19th century through the 20th century and into the 21st. From Realism and Early Photograph through Postmodern and Contemporary art, visual art movements will be discussed in relation to stylistic trends, philosophical influences, innovations in technology, and other historical and social contexts.
ART 113: The History of Photography
This lecture course examines the history of photography from its invention in the 1830s to the present. The technological development, social role, and aesthetic possibilities of photography will be discussed in relation to major historical, art historical, cultural, and political influences.
ART 115: The Art of Film
This introductory course explores film as an art form, its basic components, and its relation to the styles and movements of other visual arts forms. An understanding of cinematic language is emphasized by focusing upon film’s manipulation of time and space, its use of visual metaphors, montages, and explicit/implicit messages.
ART 299: Directed Study: Art
Independent Study/Directed Study is intended for students who have the ability to assume responsibility for independent work and to prepare written or oral reports and/or appropriate projects.