The following curriculum meets the requirement for a Certificate of Achievement in Computer Information Technology/Cybersecurity. The courses needed for the certificate are designed for those wishing to pursue a career in cybersecurity.

To acquire the Certificate of Achievement in Computer Information Technology/Cybersecurity, it is necessary to complete the following courses with a grade of “C” or better.

Course Prefix and NumberTitle of CourseUnits
CIT 101Introduction to Computer Information Technology3
CIT 127* Python Programming I3
CIT 180* PC Maintenance A+ Certification4
Select one from the following:
CIT 171* Network +3
CIT 210* Cisco Networking I3
Select two from the following:
CIT 170* Server +3
CIT 192* Security+3
CIT 200* Systems Analysis and Design3
CIT 214* Cisco Networking II3
CIT 221* Ethical Hacking3
MGMT 208* Business Communications3
Select one from the following:
PSY 190* Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences4
MATH 130/H* Statistics4
MATH 170* Elements of Calculus4
MATH 190/H* Calculus I
Total Units23
*Denotes Prerequisite Required