Dr. George Gomez-Wheeler

Dr. George Gomez-Wheeler
Dean, Arts Business, and Cultural Programs

 Dr. George Gomez-Wheeler is an accomplished composer, performer, and academic leader with expertise in acoustic and electronic music, musical interactivity, and multimedia collaboration. His creative work spans international performances, including at the Getty Museum, LG Arts Complex in Korea, and REDCAT in Los Angeles. A co-founder of the electroacoustic duo Frère Concrète, Dr. Gomez-Wheeler has also collaborated extensively with choreographers and visual artists, with his work archived in the New York Public Library’s permanent collection.

As the creator of Rio Hondo College’s Bachelor of Science degree in Electronic Digital Instrument: Performance and Production and the Music and Integrated Technology program, Dr. Gomez-Wheeler brings over three decades of teaching and creative experience, having previously served on the Composition and Theory faculty at CSULB, and other leading institutions. He holds a Ph.D. in Integrated Composition, Improvisation, and Technology from the University of California, Irvine.

In his current role as Dean, he leads the division’s innovative Arts and Business programs, fostering student success through creative expression, technical mastery, and workforce readiness.

Division Staff

Dr. George Wheeler Dean of Arts, Business and Cultural Programs 562-463-4653[email protected] 
Natali RoblesCUMBRES Project Manager562-463-7392[email protected]
Jennifer ShetlandArts Facilities Manager562-463-7680[email protected] 
Jan DuncanAdministrative Assistant to the Division Office 562-463-7359[email protected]
Wendy Gonzalez Administrative Assistant to the Division Office 562-463-4662[email protected]
Abby Balcom Student Services Assistant562-908-3471[email protected]
Gabe Carrasco Theater Production Coordinator 562-463-7705[email protected] 
David Lara Theater Technician 562-908-3451[email protected] 

Full Time Faculty

Frank AccardoProfessor of Music 562-463-7706[email protected] 
Sinisa BijelicInstructor of Computer Information Technology562-908-3477[email protected]
Gene BlackmunProfessor Business Management562-463-7350[email protected]
Eric CaesarAssistant Professor of Business Management562-463-7335[email protected]
Janet ChaAssistant Professor of Accounting562-463-6615[email protected]
Dr. Joanne ChoeInstructor of Vocal/Choral562-463-7697[email protected] 
David DawsonInstructor of 3D Animation and Modeling NO PHONE[email protected] 
Daniel De La RosaInstructor of Accounting562-463-7406[email protected]
Alex GardosAssociate Professor of Graphic Design562-463-7679[email protected] 
Margaret GriffithProfessor of Painting and Drawing 562-463-7684[email protected] 
Brenda HarlowInstructor Computer Information Technology562-463-7370[email protected]
Dr. Cynthia LewisProfessor of Art History 562-463-7675[email protected] 
Jeannie LiuProfessor of Accounting562-463-7358[email protected]
Shin LiuProfessor of Computer Science / Information Systems562-463-7351[email protected]
Jannine LivingstonProfessor of Music 562-463-7699[email protected] 
Sandra LowProfessor of Studio Art/ Painting and Drawing and 562-463-7681[email protected] 
Robert Miller Professor of Ceramics and Gallery Director 562-463-6652[email protected] 
Rudy RiosProfessor of Computer Information Systems562-463-7017[email protected]
Matt Schleicher Associate Professor of Theatre Arts, Cultural Programs Coordinator 562-463-7696[email protected] 
Miyo Stevens-GandaraAssociate Professor of Digital Photography 562-463-7682[email protected] 
Marissa YoungInstructor of Business Management562-463-7356[email protected]


Vanessa Chavez CTE Arts Counselor562-463-6792 [email protected] 
Marisela SaenzBusiness Counselor562-463-7580 [email protected]
Krystle SanchesCTE Business Counselor562-463-7580 [email protected]
Kenneth SamsonCounselor, CUMBRES & LEGACIE+ [email protected]
Irene Vu Arts Counselor562-463-6792[email protected] 

Student Success Coaches

Madelinne KincannaStudent Success Coach for ArtsNO PHONE[email protected] 
Alicia CarrilloStudent Success Coach for CUMBRES562-463-7394[email protected]
VacantStudent Success Coach for Business562-463-7050