Starting the Río Hondo Police Academy

The Intensive Basic Police Academy is a full-time, 915-hour course that satisfies the California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training minimum training requirements for California entry-level peace officers.

The program lasts approximately six months. The class typically meets 12 p.m. to 9 p.m., Tuesday through Saturday. Peace officer recruits must be ready to dedicate their full attention to the program. The Intensive Basic Police Academy is a full-time program and requires a strong commitment. The cost to attend is approximately $6,500, which includes the cost of tuition and equipment. The cost is subject to change.

Graduates will receive a certificate of completion that qualifies them for employment at any police department in California. Many police agencies recruit from each Police Academy class. Many pre-service cadets are hired while still attending the Police Academy.

Take a look at the eligibility requirements to get started.

Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible to attend the Intensive Basic Police Academy, you must meet these requirements.

Standards for Employment as a California Peace Officer

To act as a California peace officer after graduating from the Río Hondo Police Academy, you must meet these standards.

The minimum selection standards for peace officers in California are outlined in Government Code Sections 1029 and 1031. Every California peace officer must:

  • Be free of any felony convictions
  • Be a citizen of the United States or a permanent resident alien who is eligible for and has applied for citizenship (CHP officers must be US citizens at the time of appointment)
  • Be at least 21 years of age
  • Be fingerprinted for purposes of search of local, state, and national fingerprint files to disclose any criminal record
  • Be of good moral character, as determined by a thorough background investigation
  • Be a high school graduate, pass the General Education Development test, or have attained a two-year or four-year degree from an accredited institution
  • Be found to be free from any physical, emotional, or mental condition which might adversely affect the exercise of the powers of a peace officer

For more information, read the California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training’s Peace Officer Candidate Information.