Maximizing the Benefits of the CVC Exchange

The CVC Exchange allows students currently enrolled in a at least one course at a California Community College to instantly enroll into online courses offered at eligible Teaching colleges. This is a beneficial program for the college since for every student visiting the college counts toward our FTES and students from Río Hondo College visiting other schools still provide the college with student success credit under the California funding formula.

You can learn more on the CVC Website.


Home College: The California Community College from which a student enters the CVC Exchange to take courses through other colleges.

Teaching College: Colleges that offers courses via the CVC Exchange to students from other participating colleges. Teaching college status allows students to instantly enroll into courses without submitting an application to the college.

Student Eligibility

Only students enrolled in at least one credit course at participating colleges are eligible to cross enroll. Students must also meet the following requirements:

  • Have at least a 2.0 GPA or not yet established a GPA at the Home College.
  • Have no outstanding fees at the Home College.
  • No out of state address on file at Home College.

Students can only take a maximum of two courses through the exchange each semester.

Faculty FAQ’s