Maximizing the Benefits of the CVC Exchange
The CVC Exchange allows students currently enrolled in a at least one course at a California Community College to instantly enroll into online courses offered at eligible Teaching colleges. This is a beneficial program for the college since for every student visiting the college counts toward our FTES and students from Río Hondo College visiting other schools still provide the college with student success credit under the California funding formula.
You can learn more on the CVC Website.
Home College: The California Community College from which a student enters the CVC Exchange to take courses through other colleges.
Teaching College: Colleges that offers courses via the CVC Exchange to students from other participating colleges. Teaching college status allows students to instantly enroll into courses without submitting an application to the college.
Student Eligibility
Only students enrolled in at least one credit course at participating colleges are eligible to cross enroll. Students must also meet the following requirements:
- Have at least a 2.0 GPA or not yet established a GPA at the Home College.
- Have no outstanding fees at the Home College.
- No out of state address on file at Home College.
Students can only take a maximum of two courses through the exchange each semester.
Faculty FAQ’s
How does this benefit me and the college?
The exchange allows students from other community colleges to enroll into our online courses. When a student from another college enrolls with Río Hondo College this will increase the colleges FTES and your course potentially gains more students.
Río Hondo College can continue to retain students by assisting them with enrolling into online courses through the exchange. While they may visit a different college we will still receive Student Success credit under the California Funding Formula upon their successful completion of their course.
How do I get my courses listed on the exchange?
All online courses (asynchronous and synchronous) are automatically listed on the exchange. Courses listings are made on a priority system using badges. If you would like your course to rank higher when student are searching for courses on the exchange then you will need badges to do so.
Courses with a “Quality Reviewed” and/or “ZTC” badge will appear closer to the top of a search list followed by non-badged courses. If you would like your course to appear higher on the priority system consider having your course POCR Quality Reviewed and/or offer a ZTC option for the class.
Badges? How do those work?
Below is a full list of badges available. Badges denoted with an asterisk (*) are added to each course. Badges with (**) are course specific badges.
- Quality Reviewed: This label is given to faculty and their courses that have gone through the local POCR Process. For more information on Río Hondo’s POCR Process please see the POCR webpage.
- Zero Textbook Cost: Any course section that offers a Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) option will receive this badge.
- Online Tutoring: When a college offers online tutoring all courses from the college receive this badge.
All Río Hondo courses receive the Online Tutoring badge
How do I know who is an exchange student?
Students that join the college through the exchange will not be identified in your course. They will look like regular Río Hondo students.
Financial Aid
All participating Teaching Colleges have signed a Federal Financial Aid agreement. As such CVC Exchange students simultaneously enrolled at both a Home and Teaching College may be able to receive federal and state financial aid funds based on combined units taken at both colleges. Students will need to contact the Financial Aid Office at their home college for eligibility.
DSPS Accommodations
A student’s Disabled Student Programs and Services (DSPS) status or accommodations determination will not automatically transfer to the Teaching College. If a student needs an accommodation, they should visit our DSPS website for more information.