Preamble: In accordance with the provisions of the Section 53200-53204 of Title 5 of the Administrative Code of California, we, the faculty of Río Hondo College, do hereby establish the Río Hondo College Academic Senate, whose primary function is, as the representative of the faculty, to make recommendations to the Río Hondo College administration and the governing board on academic and professional matters.
I. For the purpose of this section:
- A. “Faculty” means those certificated persons who teach full-time in a community college or other full-time certificated persons who do not perform any services for the college that require an administrative or supervisory credential, except those persons designated management.
- B. “Academic senate” or “faculty council” means an organization formed in accordance with this section whose primary function is, as the representative of the faculty to make recommendations to the administration and the governing board of a school district with respect to academic and professional matters.
II. In order that the faculty may have a formal and effective procedure for participating in the formation of district policies and academic and professional matters described in I-B, the faculty first must decide by secret ballot to have an “academic senate” or “faculty council,” in which case the governing board of each school district shall establish such an “academic senate” or “faculty council” in each community college by authorizing the faculty to:
- A. Fix, and amend, by vote of the faculty, the composition, structure, and procedures, of the academic senate or faculty council.
- B. Select, in accordance with accepted democratic procedures, the members of the academic senate or faculty council.
III. After consultation with administration, the academic senate or faculty council may present its written views and recommendations.
IV. Upon the request of the academic senate or faculty council and subject to Government Code sections 54950 ff., (The Brown Act), when applicable, the governing board or such board members or administrative officers as it may designate, shall meet and confer with representatives of the academic senate or faculty council with respect to recommendation made or proposed to be made by the senate or council. The designation of board members or administrative officers as provided herein shall not preclude the representative of an academic senate or a faculty council from meeting with or appearing before the governing board with respect to the views, recommendations or proposal of the senate or council at a regular or special meeting of the board.
V. The academic senates or faculty councils may assume such responsibilities and perform such functions as may be requested of it by the Administration or Board of Trustees. This document is hereby presented as the Constitution of the Academic Senate of Río Hondo College.
Article I: Name and Purpose
Section 1. The name of this organization shall be the Academic Senate of Río Hondo College, hereafter referred to as the “Senate.”
Section 2. The primary function of the Academic Senate is to consult collegially with the Board of Trustees of Río Hondo College on academic andprofessional matters as outlined in Assembly Bill 1725, applicable law, and Río Hondo College’s Board Policies and Administrative Procedures.
Article II. Qualification and Election of Members
Section 1. Faculty who are not management are eligible to be Senators.
Section 2. The senior Senator of each division shall conduct an election for Senators in accordance with the by-laws.
Section 3. All vacancies shall be filled by special election.
Section 4. The President of the Río Hondo College Faculty Association shall be a member of the Senate.
Section 5. The immediate past president of the Senate shall continue as a member of the Senate until a new president is elected or for the duration of the members elected term as aSenator.
Article III. Terms of Office
Membership shall be for three (3) years, with one-third of the members elected each year.
Article IV. Meetings
Section 1. The Senate is empowered to adopt resolutions and by-laws consistent with the Constitution.
Section 2. Meetings of the Senate shall be held at least once each month of the academic year.
Section 3. Meetings shall be open to all faculty. Invited guests may address the Senate but shall not be present during the deliberations of the Senate. Executive session is limited to the Senate membership and may be called by a vote of two-thirds of the members present. Official action shall be taken only at regular or special meetings.
Section 4. Special meeting of the Senate may be called by the President of the Senate, by a petition signed by a majority of Senators, or by ten percent (10%) of the faculty. Petitions must specify the reason for the special meeting.
Section 5. Except where specifically designated by this Constitution, Robert’s Rules of Order (current edition) shall be followed at all meetings.
Section 6. A report of all action taken at each meeting of the Senate shall be transmitted to the faculty.
Section 7. A quorum shall be required for all official actions of the Senate. A quorum shall consist of a simple majority of the Senate.
Section 8. A secret ballot may be requested by any member of the Senate, but may be overturned by two-thirds of the majority.
Article V. Procedure
Section 1. Committees shall conduct research, hold hearings and submit reports and recommendations to the Senate for concurrence. Meetings of all committees, except when in executive session, shall be open to the faculty. Committees may invite guests to address the committee and participate in discussion, but such guests may be excluded during the deliberations of the committee.
Section 2. Actions of the Senate shall be forwarded to the President of Río Hondo College. If the College President wishes to present views on any matter, a written report may be submitted to the Senate or an invitation to address the Senate in person may be requested. Following any communication with the President, the Senate may request that its recommendations be transmitted directly to the Board of Trustees, or take whatever action it deems appropriate. The Executive Council shall determine who will address the Board of Trustees on behalf of the Senate.
Section 3. At least one member of the Executive Council of the Senate or an alternate designated by the President shall attend each meeting of the Board of Trustees.
Article VI: Amendments
Section 1. Amendments to this Constitution may be proposed by a vote of two-thirds of the Senate, or by a petition signed by a twenty-five percent (25%) of the faculty.
Section 2. Amendments shall become effective when ratified by a vote of two-thirds of the Senator membership.
Section 3. Proposed amendments shall be provided to Senators prior to meetings where a vote is to take place.
Section 4. The Executive Council of the Senate shall set the date for ratification.
Section 5. Amendments require that any changes be approved for first and second readings in two separate meetings of the Senate.
Article VII: Recall
Section 1. Any Senator may be recalled by a two-thirds majority vote of the faculty in that Division.
Section 2. Any Senate officer may be recalled by a two-thirds majority vote of the Senate.