As a part of SB 1456 all California Community Colleges will establish a Student Equity Planning Committee to do the following:
- Identify strategies to monitor and address equity
- Mitigate disproportionate impact on students
- Coordinate interventions and services for students at risk of academic progress or probation
- Coordinate Student Equity plan with Student Success and Support Program plan
Dr. Earic Dixon-Peters , VP Students Services
Juana Mora, Faculty Coordinator, Student Equity
Cecilia G. Rocha, Assistant Dean, Student Equity & RISE Scholars
Student Equity documentation
RHC Student Equity Plan (2022 – 2025) – Executive Summary of the 2022 – 2025 Student Equity Plan
RHC Student Equity Plan (2019 – 2022) – Executive Summary of the 2019 – 2022 Student Equity Plan
Rio Hondo College 2017-19 Integrated Plan – Basic Skills Initiative, Student Equity, and Student Success and Support Program
RHC Student Equity Plan (2015) – revised Chancellor’s Office template submitted in December 2015.
RHC Student Equity Plan (2014) – Initial three year plan submitted in 2014-2015.
Student Equity Campus Based Research: Data Summary – data specific to Rio Hondo Community College District.
RHC Student Equity Activities List – list of activities in the three year plan.
2015-2016 Funded Student Equity Activity List – list of activity applications that were funded with Student Equity funds.