Our Mission:

To provide the Río Hondo College community with opportunities for professional growth and renewal in order to foster improved morale, increased efficiency, and greater institutional effectiveness. Our work is predicated on the belief that supporting the realization of individual potential is essential in achieving shared excellence and enhanced student success.

Our Offerings Include:

Upcoming PD Events

Staff Development & FLEX Committee Members

*Management/Confidential Representatives: Joe Cascio, Toni Traster+, Adam Wetsman

*Faculty Representatives: Jose Arroyo, Cameron English, Brenda Harlow

Classified Staff Representatives: Kathy Gomez, Teresa Martinez, Sandra Rivera+

Other members: Katie O’Brien+, Professional Development/FLEX Coordinator, Brenda Moran, FLEX/Professional Development Clerk

*FLEX Committee is composed of only Management and Faculty Representatives.
+Signifies a committee Tri-chair

This committee meets the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month from 2:30pm to 3:30pm.



Minutes & Agendas 2024-2025

Prof Dev Agenda 7-10-24 – PD Minutes 07.10.24

Prof Dev Agenda 8-7-24 – PD Minutes 08.07.24

Prof Dev Agenda 9-4-24

Prof Dev Agenda 9-18-24 – PD Minutes 9.18.24 (1)

Prof Dev Agenda 10-2-24 – PD Minutes 10.04.24 (1)

Prof Dev Agenda 10-16-24