Our Mission:
To provide the Río Hondo College community with opportunities for professional growth and renewal in order to foster improved morale, increased efficiency, and greater institutional effectiveness. Our work is predicated on the belief that supporting the realization of individual potential is essential in achieving shared excellence and enhanced student success.
Our Offerings Include:
- One Stop Access to RHC and External Events & Resources
Promotion of Vision Resource Center (VRC)
The VRC offers virtual professional learning on thousands of topics via “LinkedIn Learning” (formally Lynda) and “SkillSoft” that is free and open to all California Community college employees.
The VRC also allows you to connect with colleagues across the state to share promising practices, ask for help from colleagues, and directly access updates and resources from the Chancellor’s Office.
To login, go to Login to VRC. If creating an account for the 1st time, use the “General User” option as we are not currently an “Integrated” College.
Coordination of FLEX Program
FLEX refers to the faculty obligation to engage in a designated number of hours of professional development each semester. The FLEX office:
- Coordinates the online reporting (FLEX Reporter) and verifying of hours.
- Organizes pre-semester FLEX Days & other staff development offerings during the year.
- Reviews and compiles lists of pre-approved activities.
Staff Recognition Programs
Better Together Honoring significant collaborations within a program/area and/or between 2 or more programs/areas.
Río Stars –Individual recognition for a single person going “above and beyond.”
Nominations submitted at Submit your “Río Star” or “Better Together” Nomination
Funding Support for Workshops, Trainings, Conferences or other Projects
A limited amount of grant funding is available for individuals, small groups, and/or divisions to support professional development projects which may involve:
- Travel to off campus conferences and workshops.
- On campus trainings.
- Independently designed professional growth activities.
Reflection & Renewal Retreats
Each semester, one of more “R & R” events are offered to any interested staff. The intent of these gatherings is to provide a relaxed, focused and collegial atmosphere that encourages introspection, insight and revitalization so that participants return to campus with a renewed sense of purpose.
Leadership Development
All staff are invited to participate in on and off campus opportunities to develop their leadership abilities which include:
- A 10 month campus based Río Hondo Leadership Academy.
- SanFACC Mentor Program.Spring Professional Development Day – Friday, January 24, 2025
Explore Spring 2025 PD Day Information & Registration Links
Upcoming PD Events
Staff Development & FLEX Committee Members
*Management/Confidential Representatives: Joe Cascio, Toni Traster+, Adam Wetsman
*Faculty Representatives: Jose Arroyo, Cameron English, Brenda Harlow
Classified Staff Representatives: Kathy Gomez, Teresa Martinez, Sandra Rivera+
Other members: Katie O’Brien+, Professional Development/FLEX Coordinator, Brenda Moran, FLEX/Professional Development Clerk
*FLEX Committee is composed of only Management and Faculty Representatives.
+Signifies a committee Tri-chair
This committee meets the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month from 2:30pm to 3:30pm.
Minutes & Agendas 2024-2025
Prof Dev Agenda 7-10-24 – PD Minutes 07.10.24
Prof Dev Agenda 8-7-24 – PD Minutes 08.07.24
Prof Dev Agenda 9-4-24
Prof Dev Agenda 9-18-24 – PD Minutes 9.18.24 (1)
Prof Dev Agenda 10-2-24 – PD Minutes 10.04.24 (1)
Prof Dev Agenda 10-16-24