The College Service fee supports student scholarships, student activities and various campus projects. The fee is automatically charged, unless a waiver of the fee is approved and submitted prior to registration.
Waivers are available in the Admissions and Records Office and in the Student Life and Leadership Office.
The College Services Fee has been implemented by the Associated Students of Río Hondo College (ASRHC) to maintain and strengthen existing programs as well as to establish new programs that will enhance the student academic experience at Río Hondo College.
Fee funds services and programs
The College Services Fee funds many services and programs such as:
- The Emergency Loan Program
- Donations to the RHC Library Textbook Reserve
- DiscoveRío (Welcome Fair)
- RHC Department and Program Events
- Information Center
- Commencement
- Commencement Breakfast
- Fire-Academy Graduation
- Police-Academy Graduation
- Leadership Conferences
- Cultural Awareness Months
- Social and Recreational Programs
- Student Leadership Awards Banquet
- Student Leadership Institute (SLI)
- Inter-Club Council events and programs including Club Rush and RíOlympics
- so much more!
Students Eligible for Waiver of College Service Fee
Students that waive the fee will be placed on a list of those students ineligible for taking advantage of any item sponsored by the College Service Fee. Waiver must be signed by the Director of Student Life and Leadership located in SU-201 prior to registration of your classes.