Borrowing Privileges
Faculty and staff are allowed to borrow a maximum of 30 circulating items (25 books maximum and 5 DVDs maximum) from RHC Library. Materials can be borrowed for up to 1 month with unlimited renewals. There are no fees for late return on items, but fees do incur for lost and damaged items.
Faculty and staff can also request materials that RHC Library does not carry from other libraries via InterLibrary Loan. If faculty or staff would like a book added to the collection, they should complete the Request to Purchase Library Material form.
Library Instruction
Librarians work with faculty to teach information competency through general and specialized orientations lasting from 30 to 90 minutes over one or more class sessions, as requested by faculty. Most classes come to the library but we can also come to your classroom!
A general library orientation can introduce students to our online catalog, demonstrate searches in our online databases, and provide an overview of our library and its services. For general sessions, ask us about our scavenger hunt.
A specialized orientation can be developed and tailored for a defined subject area or assignment. Some examples include:
- Finding books & eBooks
- Narrowing a research topic
- Use of specific databases such as ProQuest, EBSCO, ARTStor, etc.
- Evaluating resources/Fake news
- Citation style formats (MLA, APA, ASA)
- Plagiarism
- Activity for one or more of the above
- And more…
Orientations are scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis; therefore, we recommend scheduling your session as soon as possible.
Based on availability, your session will be scheduled and assigned to a librarian.
When scheduling an orientation, please attach your assignment and provide a minimum of 1 week’s notice.
Please complete the online request form for orientation requests.
Faculty-Librarian Collaboration & Planning
The librarians are available to work with you on extended or semester-long projects to teach information literacy skills to your classes, make library materials available for your courses, and provide specialized research consultations for your students.
We can curate resources, recommend items for reserve, test the research assignment from a user’s point of view, suggest types of library instruction, and provide professional consultation to develop an effective assignment that incorporates information competency skills.
LibGuides for You
Librarians can create a LibGuide for your specific course or section which can include information on your specific assignment and/or course topic(s). All information can be customized to fit your needs.
LibGuides can be embedded in your online class, added to your syllabus, and shared through Canvas. Ask your librarian liaison for more details!
Request for Resources & Library Reserves
The librarian liaison to your department will work with you to obtain the books, videos, or journal subscriptions that your classes will need for their assignments. Please check for your liaison. You can also request general books for our collection through the Request to Purchase Library Materials Form where the appropriate librarian will be notified.
We strongly encourage faculty to place a copy of their textbook and other course materials on library reserve. To do so, please fill out the Reserve Request Form. For more information, please visit our About the Reserve Collection page.
The library offers a range of drop-in workshops each semester. Once ready, the workshop schedule is published on our website and sent to faculty via email. Groups of 4 students may also schedule a private workshop with a librarian.
Examples of workshop topics include: using the library research databases, avoiding plagiarism, evaluating websites, citation style formats, Google Drive & Microsoft Apps for college work, etc.
Your Librarians
Young Lee – x3379
Claudia Rivas – x3378
Irene Truong – x3377
Brian Young – x3376
Gabriel Beeler, Melissa Beuoy, Diego Coaguila, Roxana Cruz, Janet Garcia, Trish Stumpf Garcia, Bruce Guter, Lawrence Mak, Francesca Marineo Munk, Carolyn Oldham, Nicole Patch, and Francisco Villanueva