Welcome, Re-Entry Students!

Re-entry students are adult learners over the age of 23 who are new to college or returning after a long absence. Río Hondo College recognizes that re-entry students enter college with a unique set of strengths and challenges. If that’s you, the Adult Re-Entry Program will help make your transition as smooth as possible.

The Adult Re-Entry Program is housed within the Center for Career and Re-Entry Services (CCRS). Its efforts focus on fostering an environment of success for all adult learners. The program welcomes our re-entry students and addresses your diverse educational needs efficiently and effectively through comprehensive counseling, academic guidance, and student services.

Reach out now or pay us a visit at the CCRS, SS 250.

Available Services

  • Individualized career counseling and educational planning
  • Assistance in creating a schedule, registering for classes, and applying for financial aid
  • Help finding and navigating available resources
  • Access to the CCRS computer lab, career library, and free printers
  • Free career assessments 
  • Access to the CCRS online job and internship board
  • Job preparation assistance (resume writing, interviewing skills, and job search strategies)
  • Access to the CCRS online job and internship board
  • Professional networking advice

Want Some Help?

Contact Us

Adult Re-Entry Program

Center for Career and Re-Entry Services, SS 350

(562) 908-3407

[email protected]