Message from Melissa Rifino Juarez
Honors Transfer Program Coordinator

I’m glad you are interested in the Honors transfer program here at Río Hondo College. If you are seeking to enrich your academic experience and plan on transferring to a four-year university, the Honors Transfer Program is for you!
Our honors courses are designed to better prepare the highly motivated student to transfer to a university and complete a bachelor’s degree. The program provides a unique learning environment that stresses scholastic excellence, enriched curriculum, smaller class size and close interaction with honors program faculty.
Our honors courses are designed to intellectually stimulate the student and to encourage independent critical thinking.
Please feel free to explore this website. You will find a great deal of valuable information.
Additionally, please stop by my office if you would like to chat further about all the benefits of the Honors program here at Río Hondo College.
Melissa Rifino Juarez
Professor, Sociology
Honors Transfer Program Coordinator
[email protected]
(562) 463-6657
Message from David Tieu, Honors Transfer Counselor

Hello, my name is David Tieu, Honors Transfer Counselor at RHC. I have 6+ years of experience working at various community colleges with EOP&S & CARE, CTE, and General Counseling and have extensive experience advising and counseling students on the transfer and graduation process.
As the Honors Transfer Counselor, I look forward to assisting potential and current Honors Transfer Program students at RHC.
There are many benefits of participating in the Honors Transfer Program at RHC. The Honors Transfer Program provides RHC students the unique opportunity to enrich their learning experiences while preparing them for the academic demands of the 4-year university.
I encourage you to explore the option of joining the RHC Honors Transfer Program and how it can benefit you.
Please feel free to make an appointment with me to discuss the Honors Transfer Program and/or to assist you with your transfer and graduation related needs by contacting the Transfer Center at (562)463-4619.
Thank you for your interest and consideration of the RHC Honors Transfer Program. I look forward to working with you.
David Tieu, M.S.
Honors Transfer Counselor
[email protected]
(562) 463-4619