Are you eligible for financial aid?

Eligibility requirements:

  1. Be a U.S. citizen, or an eligible non-citizen.
  2. Have a high-school diploma (for California Students who graduated 2006 and after must have passed the CSHSEE exam), or GET, or Pass a High School Proficiency Exam (the CA Certificate of completion is not eligible), or have an AA or AS Degree, or have completed 6 units of college coursework which is acceptable towards a degree or certificate, or pass the Ability to Benefit examination.
  3. Have a valid Social Security number.
  4. File a FAFSA application providing all income criteria; be processed through Federal Methodology, and submit all requested documents to complete a file. Correct any information not reported correctly.
  5. Be enrolled in an eligible program of study leading to an AA/AS degree, a certificate or a transfer program.
  6. May not be in default on any federal student loan or owe a refund on any federal grant.
  7. Male students must be registered with the Selective Service for federal aid programs
  8. Use financial aid funds for educational purposes.
  9. Students meet Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy requirements to remain eligible for financial aid.
  10. Students who will receive a Cal Grant, Student Loans, or will be going through the “over 90 unit appeal process” are required to submit official transcripts from prior colleges, both US and foreign countries to the Admissions Office before your file will be processed.

It is also recommended that all students have their transcripts on file with the Admissions Office.

(As needed to transfer)

Many types of federal student aid, such as the Federal Pell Grant or subsidized loans where the government pays the interest while you are in college, also require you to have financial need. Additionally, once you have a bachelor’s degree or a first professional degree, you are generally not eligible for Pell or Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (FSEOG).

Other requirements may apply. Contact the financial aid office at your college for more information.