Winter Term FAQs: Your Questions Answered
What is Winter Term?
Winter Term is an excellent way for students to finish school quicker and reach their goals sooner. Students can take courses over the month of January.
What are the benefits of taking courses in the Winter?
- Students can register for up to 18 units in Spring and additional units in Winter without needing to request approval for an overload.
- Students can complete a prerequisite in Winter for a course in Spring.
- Students can use the Winter Term to retake a course, especially if it is a pre-requisite for a Spring course.
What is the maximum number of units I can take during Winter Term?
Students can take up to 6 units in the Winter Term. Please speak with an academic counselor for support with planning your academic pathway(s). Also, please note that a standard 3-unit lecture class requires 13.5 class hours and 27 homework hours PER WEEK during a four-week term.
Will I still be considered a full-time student if I take 3 units in Winter Term and 9 units in the Spring Semester?
Financial Aid will combine Winter Term and Spring Semester units to determine enrollment eligibility (full-time, half-time, or less-than half-time). Students must take 12 units in the Spring Semester to be considered enrolled full-time for admissions and records purposes. See your program director or counselor for other specialized programs.
Will my financial aid cover my Winter Term fees?
Financial aid will cover Winter Term. Students can use funds from their Fall disbursement towards Winter term. If a student wishes to use their Spring financial aid for Winter Term, be aware that the first disbursement begins the first week of the Spring Semester. College promise students’ fees (excluding student health, representation, college service, and parking fees) will be covered through the California College Promise program.
What are the fees for the Winter Term?
Enrollment Fee: $46 per unit (same every term)
Enrollment Fee for Bachelor: $84 per unit (same every term)
Out of State Fee: $332 per unit (same every term)
Student Health Fee: $ 5.00 (winter only)
Student Representation Fee: $ 2.00 (winter only)
College Service Fee: $ 2.00 (winter only)
Parking Fee: No Charge for winter -
How do I enroll in a course during Winter Term?
Students can register for Winter Term by going to the Río Hondo Class Schedule.
Do I need to complete a new CCCapply application for new Winter Term?
If you are a first-time student at Río Hondo or missed a term of attendance and want to take a Winter course, you will be required to apply for the Winter Term. If you apply for Winter and continue into Spring, you don’t need to apply for Spring. However, you can’t apply for Spring Term and register for courses in preceding Winter Term, you must apply for the Winter Term if that is when you wish to start (or return after a break in attendance).